研究内容/About research activities
- プリオン病・難治性神経変性疾患に関する研究/ Studies on prion diseases and intractable neurodegenerative disorders
- 薬剤耐性菌に関する研究/ Studies on antimicrobial resistance
- 食品媒介感染症に関する研究・国際協力/ Studies on Foodborne Diseases/International collaboration
1. プリオン病・難治性神経変性疾患に関する研究
プリオン病は、ヒツジのスクレイピー、牛海綿状脳症 (BSE)、鹿科動物の慢性消耗病 (CWD)、ヒトのクロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病 (CJD) に代表される、致死性の神経変性疾患です。治療法はなく、一度発症すると100%死に至ります。プリオン病の病原因子は、「プリオン」と呼ばれる、タンパク質から構成される感染因子です。プリオンの構成要素は、宿主の遺伝子にコードされるタンパク質である正常型プリオンタンパク質 (PrPC) の構造異性体である異常型プリオンタンパク質 (PrPSc) です。感染因子「プリオン」はゲノムに相当する核酸を持たず、宿主タンパク質から構成されるという、非常に不可思議な病原体です。
プリオン病に罹患したヒトおよび動物では、主に中枢神経系組織でプリオンが増殖して死に至ります。病理学的な特徴は、PrPScの蓄積、アストロサイトとミクログリアの活性化、および神経細胞死です。プリオンの増殖 (PrPScの蓄積と同義) により神経細胞死が生じる機構はまだ解明されていません。タンパク質の異常凝集・蓄積を伴う難治性の神経変性疾患として、アルツハイマー病 (AD)、パーキンソン病 (PD)、筋萎縮性側索硬化症 (ALS)などが知られています。これらの疾病でも神経変性機構は完全には解明されておらず、有効な治療法も確立されていません。我が国は高齢者の割合が約30%の世界一の高齢社会です。将来、高齢者の4人に一人が認知障害を伴うことが予測され、その70%が難治性神経変性疾患によると推測されています。従って、難治性神経変性疾患の病態を解明して予防法・治療法を開発することは、喫緊の社会問題です。
話は変わりますが、高齢のイヌで、見当識障害、行動異常を主徴する犬認知機能不全症候群 (CCDS)という疾病があります。ADと同様に、脳内アミロイドβ (Aβ) の蓄積はCCDSの原因の一つと考えられています。Aβが簡便かつ高感度に検出可能となれば、Aβの蓄積が原因となるCCDSの病態進行や予後の予測等の臨床研究が可能となります。
1. Studies on prion diseases and intractable neurodegenerative disorders
Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative diseases including scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), chronic wasting disease (CWD) in cervid, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. No effective treatment on prion diseases is available, and the diseases are 100% fatal once develop. The agent of prion diseases is an infectious agent called "prions", which is composed only of proteins. Prions are composed of the pathogenic form of prion protein (PrPSc), a conformational isoform of the cellular prion protein (PrPC), a protein encoded by the host gene, Prnp. Prion is a mysterious pathogen because it lacks a nucleic acid as a genome but is composed of host-encoded protein.
In humans and animals affected by prion diseases, prions prropagate primarily in central nervous system tissues (CNS), leading to death. Pathological hallmarks of prion diseases include PrPSc accumulation, astrocyte and microglial activation in CNS, and neuronal cell death. The mechanism by which prion propagation (synonymous with PrPSc accumulation) causes neuronal death is not yet understood. Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are known as intractable neurodegenerative diseases that involve abnormally aggregated host proteins. The neurodegenerative mechanisms of these diseases have not been fully elucidated, and effective treatments have not been established. Japan is the most aged society in the world, with approximately 30% of the population being elderly. It is predicted that one in four elderly people will suffer from certain cognitive impairment in the future, and it is estimated that 70% of them will be caused by intractable neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, it is an urgent social issue to elucidate the pathogenesis of intractable neurodegenerative diseases and to develop preventive and therapeutic measures.
Although the responsible proteins that aggregate abnormally in these intractable neurodegenerative diseases differ from disease to disease, the diseases share a common pathology, i.e., astrocyte and microglial activation and neuronal cell death. Since there are animal models and natural animal prion diseases that can reproduce the pathogenesis of human prion diseases, analysis of animal models has the potential to elucidate the neurodegenerative mechanisms of prion diseases. The findings could be applied to the development of treatments for intractable neurodegenerative diseases such as AS, PD, and ALS.
Interestingly, prion propagation in neurons alone does not cause neuronal cell death, suggesting that activation of astrocytes and microglia is deeply involved in the pathogenesis. Since innate immunity is activated in the brain of animals affected by prion diseases for a long before the clinical onset, the cross-talk between neurons and glial cells is important for the pathobilogy of the disease.
Therefore, we are extensively analyzing the involvement of microglia and astrocytes in the neurodegeneration of prion diseases to address the ultimate question, "Why does prion propagation cause neuronal cell death?”. We have identified one stress-inducible transcriptional regulator that is specifically induced in the brain lesions in prion-infected animals, and are analyzing the relationship between the transcriptional regulator and neurodegeneration, astrocytes, and microglia. We are also attempting to mitigate disease progression by regulating the activation state of astrocytes and microglia.
The outbreak of BSE in Japan in 2001 caused huge concern to society. BSE is now under the control due to strict feed ban and other control measures. However, animal prion diseases such as scrapie and CWD are still occurring. Early detection and rapid response is one of the keys for infectious disease control, thus continuous surveillance of animal prion diseases is still important. We are conducting animal prion disease surveillance using the RT-QuIC, a rapid, simple, and highly sensitive detection method for PrPSc.
As with AD, accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) in the brain is thought to be one of the causes of Canine Cognitive Disfunction Syndrome (CCDS). If Aβ can be detected easily with high sensitivity, it will be possible to conduct clinical studies to predict the pathological progression and prognosis of CCDS. The RT-QuIC described above was first developed for the detection of PrPSc. Since it can be applied to the detection of amyloidogenic proteins, we are also trying to establish a detection system for canine Aβ using the RT-QuIC. If CCDS can be diagnosed at an early stage, it would be a good model for spontaneous onset of dementia and results may be translated to research for the development of preventive and therapeutic methods for human dementia
細菌感染症治療において薬剤耐性菌は世界共通の問題です。近年では、薬剤耐性菌の多剤耐性化が国際的に深刻な問題となっていますが、新規抗菌薬の開発は減少の一途を辿っています。2015年、世界保健機関(WHO)総会において「薬剤耐性(AMR)に関するグローバル・アクション・プラン」が採択されました。わが国でも「AMR対策アクションプラン」に基づいたAMR対策が行われており、ヒトの医療だけではなく獣医療分野や環境といったOne Health の視点に立ったAMR対策も求められています。
そこで我々は、伴侶動物や環境由来薬剤耐性菌の分子疫学的解析や耐性機構の解析を行い、伴侶動物医療における薬剤耐性菌の出現状況やその特性を把握する研究を行っています。加えて、ヒトや様々な動物由来薬剤耐性菌の研究も行っており、One Health Approachに基づいた社会全体での薬剤耐性菌の伝播や循環様式の解明を行っています。
また、我々は薬剤耐性菌の生体内での生存・定着に重要な細菌因子(in vivo bacterial essential factors = vivoEFs)の同定や解析を行っています。vivoEFを同定することで、現在広がっている薬剤耐性菌の生存・拡散・定着様式の詳細を細菌学的視点から解明することが可能になります。さらに、vivoEFの機能を阻害する化合物(vivoEF阻害剤)の検索と創薬開発研究を行っており、「感染部位特異的治療薬」や「細菌定着因子阻害剤」といった多剤耐性菌にも有効かつこれまでにない細菌感染症治療・予防法の確立に寄与したいと考えています。加えて、我々は薬剤耐性菌を含めた細菌感染症の超高速診断法の開発にも取り組んでいます。これらの研究を通じて、細菌感染症やAMR対策に資する科学的知見を創出・蓄積し、診断から治療・予防までの一連の新たな対策法を確立することで「国際社会全体に広がる薬剤耐性菌問題を克服する」ことを最終目標に掲げ研究に励んでいます。
2.Studies on antimicrobial resistance
Antimicrobial resistant bacteria are a therapeutic problem worldwide. In recent years, multidrug resistance has become a serious international problem, while the development of new antimicrobial agents has been decreasing.
The “Global Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)” was endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015. In Japan, the "National Action Plan on AMR" was formulated in 2016, including the perspective of One Health Approach.
Companion animals (so-called pets) such as dogs and cats are familiar animals that are closely and deeply related to our human lives. On the other hand, antimicrobial agents are used in companion animal medicine and the problem of AMR bacteria exists in the same way as in human medicine. Transmission of AMR bacteria between humans and companion animals is a major public health concern, but there is no scientific knowledge of the actual extent to human health hazards.
Therefore, we are conducting molecular epidemiological analysis of AMR bacteria originating from companion animals and their surrounding environment for understanding and evaluation of the emergence and characteristics of AMR bacteria in companion animal medicine. In addition, we are also conducting research on AMR bacteria derived from humans and various animals to elucidate the transmissions and circulations of AMR bacteria in society as a whole, taking a One Health Approach.
We also identify and analyze in vivo bacterial essential factors (vivoEFs), which are important for the survival and colonization of AMR bacteria in vivo. The identification of vivoEFs will allow us to elucidate the details of the survival and transmissions of currently widespread AMR bacteria from a bacteriological perspective. We are also screening compounds that inhibit the function of vivoEFs (vivoEF inhibitors) and conducting drug discovery and the development research. vivoEF inhibitor will lead to the establishment of novel treatments for bacterial infections, such as "infection site-specific therapies" and "bacterial colonization inhibitors," as well as the development of new treatment strategies against multidrug-resistant bacteria. In addition, we are working on the development of ultra-fast diagnostic methods for AMR bacterial infections.
Our ultimate goal is to establish and provide a new solution to the spread of AMR bacterial infections throughout the international community, from diagnosis to treatment and prevention, by our scientific knowledges and proposals to combat AMR.

3. Studies on Foodborne Diseases/International collaboration
In 2014, we launched a JICA technical cooperation project in Mongolia, "Strengthening the capacity for human resource development in the field of veterinary and animal husbandry in Mongolia". In this project, we provided isolation and identification techniques for foodborne disease pathogens such as Campylobacter spp., Listeria spp., Enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and Brucella spp. Since there were little epidemiological information on the prevalence of foodborne disease pathogens, we launched collaborative study to investigate the existence and prevalence of such pathogens in humans, animals, and foodstuffs with Mongolian researchers as One Health Approach. We travel to Mongolia several times a year to conduct sampling, isolation, identification, and genetic analysis with collaborators. So far, we have identified the presence of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter spp. and enterohemorrhagic E. coli with a high risk of causing hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans, in livestock. We are also making an effort to foster the next generation of Mongolian researchers by inviting young collaborators to Japan for technical training. Although this activity started as an international cooperation program for developing countries, it has also been useful in cultivating a well-balanced international sense of graduate students. Now traveling to Mongolia has been suspended for nearly two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are preparing to resume it.